Montag, 1. Oktober 2012

one year ago...

Yeah, one ear ago was the time when I nearly had a "girlfriend". I don't want to talk too much about it now. I am writing this post because I am bored, really bored.

Well, . . . I don't know what I should write. I made some friends in the last weeks. A lot of friends for my conditions. I have to keep those friendships up. Whatever . . . Two das ago I visited my dying grandpa. He was nearly dead, he was too weak to move anything of his body, but his eyes. He looked horrible. I know the doctors gave him strong painkillers. I don't know what he is feeling, but maybe this isn't the worst death.

I am not here to write stuff about my grandpa. I still feel lonely, like yesterday there was no one to speak to, well but today I had someone I could talk a lot with. I don't know. If anyone would even read this, I would keep it up, but I am just to tired of everything. I don't know what I will do next. Mabe I am going to watch a film... whatever